Recent music heroes: Testet Ölt - Untitled (2012)

An excellent review of our first release, many thanks to Agier/Recent music heroes blog!

/Post-rock, Instrumental rock, Avant-rock, Improvised music, Ambient rock, Psychedelic rock, Alternative, Epic/

Comment: Testet Ölt is a collective from Temerin, Vojvodina, Serbia who provide a handful of tracks which used to wobble somewhere in between composed and improvised tendencies. More concretely, TÖ`s soundscape can stylistically be considered a hallmark of psychedelically treated post-rock whereas there is no vocal lines but instead of it involves a loads of key changes and half-crescendos oozing out of the slots backdropped with dreamy, at times even haunting synths, cohesive guitar lines, and mesmerizing drum sequences. There are some exceptions (Dèli Bàb) where Pink Floyd-esque influences are withdrawn and guitars and traded to vibraphones (or its emulators) thus reminding rather of the likes of The Dylan Group, Mice Parade, Mercury Program, and Tristeza. Another exception, called Biztos Alkony used to get quite close to the main theme of Twin Peaks, however, amalgamating it with solid guitar chords and catchy effects and tumultuous drum breaks now and then. The result is superb having enough potential to get a classic status sometime in the future.

Recent music heroes: Testet Ölt - Untitled (2012)